Creating products for leading brands

Develop products in hair care and styling

Hair products for brands with high demands

Your product must reflect your brand and your target groups' needs and expectations. We listen to your product idea and discuss how the product should feel, look, and smell and what result you want. You may want to develop a product with moisturizing, reconstructive, volume-creating, or color- or heat-protecting properties.

Since we have developed styling products for over 40 years, we create your formulation and help you choose the packaging with innovation and experience. We can fill a variety of packaging options, such as aerosol sprays and mousses, tubes, cans, bottles, and airless containers. The fact that we are the largest player in the Nordics that can combine products in aerosol format and other types of packaging gives us the ability to offer you a complete solution for your entire product collection.

Examples of product concepts we work with in hair care and styling are:

  • Shampoo and conditioner
  • Hair treatments
  • Hair spray
  • Dry shampoo
  • Hair mousse
  • Hair gel
  • Hair oil
  • Styling cream
  • Hair wax
  • Salt water spray
  • Root concealer
Want to know more?

Contact us

Get in touch with one of our Account Managers to find out more about how we can develop and produce your next product together.