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Plans for continued expansion of manufacturing with a new cosmetic factory
To equip for future growth, we at Paragon Nordic have included in our novel five-year plan to build an entirely new manufacturing site for cosmetic products.
Over the last decade, Paragon Nordic has grown steadily with our clients and is now on track to hit SEK 500 million in sales this year. Our newly articulated strategy for the upcoming five years sets the stage for even better customer experiences, more sustainable innovations, and high-performing products for our clients' brands.
Ensuring production capacity is vital for reaching past the one billion mark. In addition to imminent investments in mixing, filling, and packing equipment and automation solutions, continued progress will facilitate a new customized manufacturing site for cosmetics products. It will enable us to produce more efficiently and sustainably, which is essential in meeting client needs.
"I'm thrilled that we have the privilege of sharing this journey with our fantastic clients and colleagues," says Pernilla Molander, Head of Commercial at Paragon Nordic. "Dedicated collaborations will make this move possible and bring new and exciting capabilities. For product portfolios, product users, and the planet."
Through long-term dialogue between Paragon Nordic and Vallentuna municipality, where the current factory is located, a section of a plotted industrial land lot has been identified as where we could continue our growth journey.
"We must overcome a series of technical, financial, and permit-related barriers before we can practically build and move to the new site," says Lars Blak, CEO of Paragon Nordic. "Now as then, it is key to create and maintain a profitable business for our clients and us, making it possible to grow together. Truly, it's a very compelling goal."
Read the joint press release (in Swedish) by Paragon Nordic and Vallentuna municipality.
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